Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

Pemilik Blog WordPress Perlu Tahu


Penyedia blog gratis WordPress mengeluarkan sebuah pengumuman tentang rencana penataan yang akan memakan waktu sejak hari Minggu. Para pemakai blog wordpress, terutama yang rajin upload, disarankan untuk memperhatikannya.Berikut teks pengumumannya:

On Sunday, 2/15 at 20:00 GMT (noon PST), we are going to be making some code changes that will log you out of your WordPress.com. If you have unsaved work at the time the change is made, it is possible you will lose it since you will have to log in again before you will be able to access your dashboard. I recommend saving your work shortly before the maintenance begins just to be safe.

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